Gifts to get someone who just had a mastectomy

Written April 3, 2022

My husband was asked by a lot of people what they should send. So I thought I’d put together a post in case you know someone going through this, or are going through this yourself and people are asking you what you want.

A text message goes a long way (or a phone call if the person isn’t too tired — tbh, I was very tired, and preferred texts over calls for the first month). But if you so desire to send a gift, here are some ideas for gifts I got and loved:

Dirty Cookie Shot Glasses

Someone sent me Dirty Cookie shot glasses

A gorgeous bouquet from one of my investors, Index Ventures

  1. Anything from this list ahead of the surgery

  2. Food (when you can’t cook and it hurts to lift your arms to make a sandwich, having food sent to you is the best) … NOTE: I recommend someone close to the ‘patient’ set up a “Meal train” (it’s free), which makes it easy for people to sign up for specific meals so that the person doesn’t get everything at once, and so that there’s variety. My sister-in-law, Jenn, set this up for me, and the meals were probably the ‘highlight’ of my entire first 2 weeks, and the main thing I’d look forward to each day. (Huge thank you to everyone who sent meals — you guys are the best.)

  3. A Brobe

  4. Flowers (I normally am not a flower person, but it really was so nice to wake up to a colorful room of gorgeous bouquets)

  5. A really nice-smelling candle

  6. A nail salon gift certificate (mani pedi)

  7. An at-home facial kit or face masks to help pamper while laying in bed (like this)

  8. A kit of tea bags (with lots of flavors for variety)

  9. Any button-down silk or cotton soft pajamas

  10. A super soft blanket (I received something like this and it felt so good against my body)

  11. A sentimental gift. A few people sent me very thoughtful and sentimental gifts that were really special and showed they were thinking of me, and that was incredibly sweet.


My Mastectomy Recovery (Drains, Expanders, Infection, & more)


Reconstruction Surgery